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Oshun is commonly called the river orisha, or goddess, in the Yoruba religion and is typically associated with water, purity, fertility, love, and sensuality. She is considered one of the most powerful of all orishas.


Aphrodite, an ancient Greek Goddess of sexuality love and beauty, identified with Venus by the Romans. Aphrodite was widely worshipped as a goddess of the sea and known primarily as a goddess of love and fertility.


Athena, daughter of Zeus, is a Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, strength, and skill.


Gaia was the Greek goddess of Earth, mother of all life. She is the reason that the mountains, seas, plains, rivers, the god Uranus, and the starry heavens were formed.


Sophia, is the Goddess of Wisdom and the divine feminine from Black Goddess to World-Soul.


Regla is the West Indian fish mother that swims in with summer rains as the bearer of fertility, family unity. Her symbols are fish,
the moon, silver or blue items. The lady Regla is also the patroness of the Cancer astrological sign.

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